

  • Fall Session
  • September - January
  • $25 HCA Registration
  • Included with Membership:
  • *5 Months
  • *One 60 min Practice
  • *Competitive Travel Opportunities
  • *Custom Practice Jersey/Short (required at an additional cost)


  • Summer Session
  • March - July
  • $25 HCA Registration
  • Included with Membership:
  • *5 Months
  • *One 60 min practice
  • *Competitive Travel Opportunities
  • *Custom Practice Jersey/Short (required at an additional cost)

PLATNIUM (Best Savings)

  • Annual Package
  • September-July
  • $25 HCA Registration
  • Included with Membership:
  • Break(Feb)
  • March-July
  • *10 Months
  • *One 60 min Practice per week
  • *Personal Sessions during Break (as requested)
  • *Competitive Travel Opportunities
  • *Custom Practice Jersey/Short (required at an additional cost)